SLEEP IS ONE OF YOUR BODY'S ways of renewing its energy. Rest
also gives your body a chance to replace old tissues and build new-in
other words, to grow. How much sleep is enough? Most boys of Scouting
age need nine to ten hours each night.
On campouts, you will probably be very tired by nightfall. When you
crawl into your sleeping bag, you'll probably fall asleep right away and
not awaken until dawn.
It can be a little different at home. With school activities, Scout meetings,
homework, and reading for pleasure, there is much to do in the
evening. Sometimes sleep might not seem very importanl. Do some planning,
though, so that you can get enough sleep and also finish everything
else you want to do. Go to bed at the same time each night and get up at
the same time in the morning. As you get used to the schedule, you'll fall
asleep quickly and awaken refreshed.
A HEALTHY DIET, regular exercise, and plenty of sleep will help you
stay strong and well. So will immunizations that guard against diseases
such as tetanus, polio, mumps, and measles. A doctor can tell you if you
have received all the shots you need. In addition, do the following:
• Wash cups and utensils used by others before you drink or eat
from them.
Use your own bath towel, washcloth. and handkerchief.
• Slay clear of persons who are coughing or sneezing.
• Keep flies away from yourself and your food.
• Wash your hands often. and always after using the bathroom.