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TENDERFOOT is the first rank you will ean as a Boy Scout. The requirements offer a taste of the great adventures awaiting you in Scouting, and can give you the basic sklls you'll need to begin taking part in those adventures. There is a lot of challenge in earning the Tenderfoot badge, and you might soon find yourself doing things you had only dreamed about before.

1. Present yourself to your leader, properly dressed, before going on an ovemighl camping lrip. Show lhe camping gear you will use. Show the right way to pack and carny it.

2. Spend at least one night on a patrol or troop campout. Sleep in a tent you have helped pitch.

3. On the campout, assist in preparing and cooking one of your patrol's meals. 'I'd why it is important for each patrol member to share in meal preparation and cleanup, and explain the importance of eating toghether.