12a. Demonstrate the Heimlich maneuver and tell when it is used. (See chapter 11, "First Aid," pages 296-97.)
12b. Show first aid for the following:
Simple cuts and scratches page 304
Blisters on the nad and foot page 308
Minor burns or scalds Page 306
Bites or stings of insects and ticks page 313
Nosebleed page 306
Frostbite page 324
sunburn page 306-307
Knowing how to deal with first aid emergencies is an important skill to have around your home, community, and school, and when you and other Scouts are taking part in outdoor activities.
13. Demonstrate Scout spirit by living the Scout Oath (Promise] and Scout Law in your everyday life.
Discuss Scout spirit with your Scoutmaster and with older Scouts in your troop. Ask them for examples of how you can demonstrate Scout spirit. You will likely hear examples of the Scout Oath and Law as ways to show your Scout spirit.
14. Participate in a Scoutmaster conference.
After you finish all the requirements to become a Tenderfoot Scout, you and your Scoutmaster will sit down and talk. You should be gaining confidence in your ability to be a Scout, and Scouting should be fulfilling its promise to you. The Scoutmaster conference is an opportunity to reflect on what you have accomplished so far and to get a bigger picture of how to approach the exciting challenges that Be ahead.