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Since alcohol, tobacco, and illegal drugs can have such dangerous
effects, why would anyone ever start using them? Here are some reasons
users might give you, followed by ways you can respond:
• "All of my friends are doing it." Sometimes it seems as though everyone
is doing something. To be like them, you might be tempted to try
it, too. But if their actions are wrong, you don't have to follow the
crowd. Show your friends there's a better way to live. Get more
involved in Scouts, school activities, sports, and clubs. If you have to,
find new friends who aren't developing dangerous habits.
• "I want to gel away from problems." Scouts learn on campouts that life
in the outdoors is not always easy. Perhaps you've been caught in a
thunderstorm. Maybe a Scout fell and twisted his ankle. You didn't run
away from those problems. Instead, you used your skills to make a
safe camp or to give first aid. You faced the tough times squarely and
made the best of them.
At home and in school, demands can seem very heavy. You might
feel as though there's a lot of weight on your shoulders, or that parents
and teachers expect too much of you. Instead of turning to drinking and
drugs to escape problems, look for ways to solve them. Use your skills
to find solutions. You don't have to do it all alone. Friends, parents,
teachers, school counselors, and Scout leaders might all be able to help.
• "I want to feel grown up. " Because of the way smoking, drinking, anc!
using drugs are often shown in movies and on television, they might
seem like adult things to do. But hurting your body and your future is
really very childish.
You can prove you are becoming an adult by accepting worthwhile
responsibilities. Helping with household chores shows you are doing
your part to make family life better for everyone. Earning Scout badges
and holding troop leadership positions are signs you are maturing. So
is doing your best in class and in school activities. Those are the real
ways to let the world know you are becoming a respected adult