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FAMILY is a word that means belonging, support, and love. For many Scouts, a family is made up of parents, brothers, and sisters all under the same roof. Grandparents, aunts, undes, and cousins might live nearby. There are other kinds of families, too. Perhaps you live in a family with one parent, or you share time with your father and mother who live in different places. Your grandparents and other relatives might live far away, even in other countries. Maybe your family has no parents at all, but instead is made up of relatives or guardians who want the best for you. The most important thing is that they care for each other and want to share their lives with you. Of course, there might be times when you feel that others in your family don't understand you. You might disagree with some of their ways of doing things. As you grow older, you will want to be more independent. All of the changes you are going through as you grow and mature can cause strain at home, but you can make the most of family life by being patient and putting energy into developing healthy relationships with family members. For instance, you might have a curfew that gives you the freedom to explore, but within reasonable limits. Now and then you and your parents or guardian might discuss family rules to see if they are fair and if you are doing your part to follow them. By respecting those guidelines, you are proving that you are responsible, and your parents or guardian might respond by gradually pushing back the boundaries they have set. Family members can also offer solutions to problems you are facing. You might be having difficulty with a subject in school, or you might not understand why your friends are acting a certain way. If you ask them, your parents and your older brothers and sisters might be able to help.

Consider earning the Family Life merit badge. It will help yau better understand yaur family, yaur rale in it, and haw impartant yau are ta ather family membBl'S.