Keep your fingers clear of the skap edge as You open and close the blade of your pocketknife.
Do keep the blades closed except when you are using them.
DO cut away from yourself.
Do close the blades before you pass a knife to someone else.
Do keep your knife sharp and clean. A sharp blade is easier to control than a dull one.
Do obey any school regulations that prohibit carrying knives on school property.
Do not carry a knife with the blade open.
Do not throw a knife.
Do not cut toward yourself. If the blade slips, you could be injured.
Do not strike a knife with another tool or pry with the point of a cutting blade. The knie could bend or break.
Note: The Boy Scouts of America does not encourage the use of large sheath knives. They are heavy, awkward to carry, and unnecessary for most camp chores.