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Front Crawl The front crawl has three parts: the flutter kick, the rotating arm stroke, and rhythmic breathing. It is the fastest, and one of the most graceful, of all swimming strokes. The flutter kick relies on relaxed ankles and the use of the entire leg.

The movement begins at the hips and flows to the feet. As one foot moves downward, the other comes up in a beating or fluttering rhythm. The kick should be smooth and steady, of even depth (eight to twelve inches), and just below the surface of the water. You can work on the kick by holding the edge of the pool or by supporting yourself on a buoyant kickboard.

Practice the arm stroke in waist- deep water. Bend forward so that the top of your body is in a swimming position. Extend your right arm and swing it down to your hip, then raise that elbow and stretch your arm forward again. Alternate with your left arm. Keep your fingers together and your hands cupped.

Push off into a glide. Use the flutter kick and arm stroke together to move you through the water. Remember to exhale Front crawl through your mouth and nose while your face is in the water. To inhale, roll your head to one side as the arm on that side is pulling to your hip and the elbow is lifting out of the water. Inhale through your mouth, then turn your face back into the water as your arm is recovering to the extended position in front of you.