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4a. Help plan a patrol menu for one campout-including one breakfast, lunch, and dinner-that requires cooking. Tell how the menu includes foods from the food nvramid and meets nutritional needs.

4b. Using the menu planned in requirement 4a, make a list showing the cost and food amounts needed lo feed three or more boys and secure the ingredients.

4c. Tell which pans, utensils, and other gear will be needed to cook and serve these meals.

4d. Explain the procedures to follow in the safe handling and storage of fresh meats, dairy products, eggs, vegetables, and other perishable food products. Tell how lo properly dispose of camp garbage, cans, plastic containers, and other rubbish.

4e. On one campoul, serve as your patrol's cook. Supervise your assistant(s) in using a stove or building a cooking fire. Prepare the breakfast, lunch, and dinner planned in requirement 4a Lead your patrol in saying grace at the meals and supervise cleanup.