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Support an injured hand, arm,
collarbone, or shoulder with a sling
made from a Scout neckerchief or
large triangular bandage.
Tie an overhand knot in the 1argest
angle of the triangle. Place the
sling over the chest with the knot
at the elbow of the injured limb and one end over the opposite
shou1der. Bring the free end of the sling up to the
other shoulder and tie the ends the ends behind the neck
with a square knot

Lower-Leg Fracture
Use two splints that are long enough
to reach from the middle of the thigh
to past the heel. Place one splint on
each side of the injured limb and
bind them together.

Thigh Fracture
Apply two padded splints. one outside the
leg extending from heel to armpit, the other
inside the leg from heel to crotch. Bind the
splints together.

Note: The muscles of the upper leg are
strong enough to pull the ends of a broken
thighbone into the flesh, which can cause serious internal bleeding. For
this reason, the first aid described here for a thighbone (femur) fracture
is early emergency care. The patient should not be moved until a traction
splint has been applied by trained personnel. A thigh fracture can
pose a serious threat to the victim's life. Call medical help immediately